Explore the Beauty of Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden

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Baturraden is a beautiful tourist destination located in Central Java, Indonesia. The area is known for its natural beauty and scenic views, making it a perfect place for a relaxing getaway. One of the must-visit places in Baturraden is Desa Wisata Ketenger, a cultural village that offers unique experiences for visitors.

What is Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden?

Desa Wisata Ketenger is a traditional village that showcases the culture and traditions of the local community. The village is located in the foothills of Mount Slamet and surrounded by lush green forests and rice fields. The village is home to around 200 families who still practice traditional ways of living.

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What to do in Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden?

There are many activities that visitors can do in Desa Wisata Ketenger. Here are some of them:

Learn Traditional Arts and Crafts

The villagers are skilled in various traditional arts and crafts such as batik, wood carving, and pottery. Visitors can learn these skills from the locals and create their own souvenirs to take back home.

Explore the Village

Visitors can take a leisurely walk around the village and explore the traditional houses, rice fields, and gardens. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and they will be happy to show you around.

Experience Local Cuisine

Visitors can taste the delicious local cuisine such as sate kelinci (rabbit satay) and pecel ayam (spicy chicken salad). The food is fresh and cooked using traditional methods.

Attend Traditional Ceremonies

The villagers still practice traditional ceremonies such as the Javanese wedding ceremony and the circumcision ceremony. Visitors can witness these ceremonies and learn about the local culture and traditions.

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Enjoy Nature

Desa Wisata Ketenger is surrounded by beautiful nature. Visitors can go hiking in the nearby mountains or take a dip in the natural hot springs.

Why Visit Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden?

Desa Wisata Ketenger offers a unique cultural experience that cannot be found in other tourist destinations. Visitors can learn about the local culture and traditions, taste the delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the beautiful nature. The villagers are friendly and welcoming, making the experience even more memorable.

How to Get to Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden?

Desa Wisata Ketenger is located around 10 km from Baturraden. Visitors can take a taxi or rent a car from Baturraden to get to the village. The journey takes around 30 minutes.

Where to Stay in Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden?

There are several homestays and guesthouses in Desa Wisata Ketenger that offer comfortable accommodation for visitors. The rates are affordable, and the facilities are basic but clean and comfortable. Visitors can also stay in Baturraden, where there are more options for accommodation.

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Desa Wisata Ketenger Baturraden is a hidden gem in Central Java that offers a unique cultural experience for visitors. The village showcases the local culture and traditions, and visitors can learn about them firsthand from the friendly locals. The natural beauty of the area adds to the charm of the village, making it a perfect place for a relaxing getaway.

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