Explore the Beauty of Desa Wisata Batulayang

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Batulayang is a small village located in the Ciamis district of West Java, Indonesia. This village is known for its beautiful natural scenery and cultural heritage. One of the main attractions of Batulayang is the Desa Wisata Batulayang, which is a popular tourist destination in the region.

What is Desa Wisata Batulayang?

Desa Wisata Batulayang is a tourist village that offers visitors a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the Sundanese people. It is a community-based tourism project that was initiated by the local government and the village community to promote sustainable tourism in the area.

The village has developed several tourist attractions, including traditional houses, cultural performances, handicrafts, and culinary experiences. Visitors can also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and camping.

Traditional Houses

One of the main attractions of Desa Wisata Batulayang is the traditional houses. These houses are made of bamboo and wood and are designed in a unique Sundanese architectural style. Visitors can explore the houses and learn about the traditional way of life of the Sundanese people.

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The houses are also used as homestays, where visitors can stay with local families and experience the daily life of the village. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and learn about the customs and traditions of the Sundanese people.

Cultural Performances

Desa Wisata Batulayang also offers cultural performances that showcase the traditional music, dance, and theater of the Sundanese people. Visitors can watch performances such as the Jaipong dance, which is a traditional dance that originated in West Java.

There are also performances of angklung music, which is a traditional musical instrument made of bamboo. Visitors can even participate in the performances and learn how to play the angklung themselves.


Desa Wisata Batulayang is known for its handicrafts, which are made by local artisans using traditional techniques. Visitors can watch the artisans at work and purchase souvenirs such as bamboo crafts, batik textiles, and pottery.

The village also offers workshops where visitors can learn how to make their own handicrafts. This is a great way to learn about the local culture and take home a unique souvenir of your trip.

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Culinary Experiences

The Sundanese cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients and unique flavors. Desa Wisata Batulayang offers visitors the opportunity to try traditional Sundanese dishes such as nasi timbel, which is rice served with various side dishes and wrapped in banana leaves.

Visitors can also learn how to cook Sundanese dishes at cooking workshops held in the village. This is a great way to learn about the local ingredients and cooking techniques.

Outdoor Activities

Desa Wisata Batulayang is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and camping. The village is located near the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, which is a popular destination for hiking and camping.

Visitors can also explore the nearby rice paddies and learn about the traditional irrigation systems used by the Sundanese farmers.

Sustainable Tourism

Desa Wisata Batulayang is a community-based tourism project that is committed to promoting sustainable tourism in the area. The village works closely with the local government and other stakeholders to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment and the local community.

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The village also promotes responsible tourism practices such as waste management, water conservation, and the use of eco-friendly materials.

How to Get There

Desa Wisata Batulayang is located about 30 kilometers from the city of Ciamis. Visitors can take a bus or a taxi from Ciamis to the village. The journey takes about 1 hour.

Alternatively, visitors can hire a car or a motorcycle to explore the surrounding area at their own pace.


Desa Wisata Batulayang is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to experience the traditional way of life of the Sundanese people. The village offers a wide range of cultural, culinary, and outdoor activities that are sure to satisfy any traveler.

Moreover, the village’s commitment to sustainable tourism practices ensures that visitors can enjoy the beauty of the region without harming the environment or the local community.

If you’re planning a trip to West Java, be sure to include Desa Wisata Batulayang on your itinerary. You won’t be disappointed!

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